@thesis{thesis, author={Calvin }, title ={Respon Pertumbuhan dan Prodduksi Beberapa Varietas Kedelai (Glycine max L. Merril) terhadap Cekaman Genangan pada Fase Pertumbuhan V5 dengan Pemberian GA3 dan Asam Salisilat}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={This research aims to know the growth and production of three soybean varieties such as Burangrang, Anjasmoro and Argomulyo, imposed on waterlogging at vegetative stage (V5) along with the application of GA3 and Salicylic acid. The research was conducted at Greenhouse Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra, Medan, Indonesia with altitude ± 25 meters in March 2018 until November 2018 using a randomized block design (RAK) with three factors, i. e : varieties (Burangrang, Anjasmoro and Argomulyo), flooding (control and waterlogged), and concentration of GA3 and salycylic acid (control; 150 and 100ppm; 200 and 15ppm). The parameters observed were plant height, number of leaf, flowering period, number of pod, number of seed, chlorophyll content, protein content and superoxide dismute content. The results showed that varieties significantly affect plant height 2, 3 WAP, flowering period, and number of seed. GA3 and salycylic acid treatment significantly affected plant height 5 WAP number of leaf 3,4,5 WAP flowering perio and number of seed. Flooding significantly affected number of seed. . Interaction of varieties and plant growth regulators significantly affected plant height 2,4,5 WAP and number of seed. Interaction of varieties and flooding significantly affected flowering period and number of seed. Interaction between varieties, flooding and plant growth regulators significantly affect the number of seed.} }