@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={Hubungan Stres Kerja dengan Sikap Perawat tentang Keselamatan Pasien di Ruang Operasi Rumah Sakit Pemerintah Kota Medan}, year={2022}, url={}, abstract={Job stress is dangerous for emotional and physical condition. It is caused by the interaction between employees and environment where demand for job surpasses their capability and resources. This condition will eventually cause the decrease in effiency and the increase in job risk, Nurses' attitude toward patients'safety can affect the incident of error or side effect un which attitude can be the determinant for behavior since it is related to perception personality, and motivation. The objective of the research was to identify the correlation between job stress and nurses' attitude toward patients' safety in the operating room of public hospitals, Medan. The research used descriptive correlation method with cross sectional design. The samples consisted of 67 nurses who were on duty in the operating rooms, taken by using total sampling technique. It was conducted at the public hospitals, RSUD Dr. Pirngadi and RSUD Haji, Medan, from April to June, 2014. The result of the research showed that there was significant correlation between job stress and nurses' attitude toward patients' safety p=0.005), job stress occurred in higher category (53.7%), and nurses' attitude toward patients' safety occurred more in negative category (50.7%). It is recommended that the management of the hospitals make a policy to minimize nurses' job stress and increase thier understanding of patients'safety through education and training.} }