@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={Sistem Pakar untuk Menentukan Penyakit dan Hama pada Tanaman Semangka Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining}, year={2022}, url={}, abstract={Expert systems are computer-based system that can imitated an expert ability in solving a problem in order to get an appropriate solution. The ability is determined by an expert system inference engine either a forward chaining and backward chaining. Many cases that could be used as research in expert system one watermelon plant diseases and pests. In study diseases and pests on watermelon plant, we design an expert system to determine the diseases and pests on watermelon plants using the method of forward chaining. This system can deduce the type of plant diseases and pests of watermelon plants based on the questions suffered symptoms that included in the system without having to ask an expert on plant diseases and pests of watermelon. In addition, this system will also provide ways to cope with disease and pests so that crops can be solved independently. This application was made with PHP programming language version 5.3.5 and MySQL 5.0.7 as the storage of its knowledge base. System testing is done by comparing the forward chaining process on a search a few examples of plant diseases and pests of watermelon in the design stage with the actual system.} }