@thesis{thesis, author={Sitorus Oby Vijay}, title ={Asidogenesis Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit (Lcpks) pada Temperatur 55 C : Pengaruh Variasi Laju Pengadukan Terhadap Pembentukan Volatile Fatty Acid (Vfa) Menggunakan Reaktor Batch Berpengaduk}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={Acidogenesis process is first step in aerobics digestion process. Acidogenesis process produce volatile fatty acid (VFA) as a substract in methanogenesis process to produce biogas. This research imed to obtain eddect of agitation also obtain the best agitation of the semi batch reactor in acidogenesis process of palm oil ,mill effluen (POME) at temperature 550C. Operation was done of the semi batch reactor by varying th agitation 200 rpm, 250 rpm, and 300 rpm with pH 5,5 ± 0,2. Analysis for solids (TS, VS, TSS, and VSS), COD and VFA during acidogenesis.} }