@thesis{thesis, author={Zahara Annisa}, title ={Analisa Kesadahan (Ca dan Mg) pada Air Sumur Bor dan Air Filtrat dengan Metode Titrimetri}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={Research on the analysis of hardness (Ca and Mg) in well water and water filtrate has been done. The purpose of this research is to determine the hardness of magnesium and calcium in drilled well water and water filtrate and to determine the water of wellbore and water filtrate, whether it has met drinking water quality standards according to PerMenKes No. 492 / MenKes / Per / IV / 2010. This research uses laboratory experimental method. The sample used is drilled well water and water filtrate. The analysis of hardness (Ca and Mg) on both samples was done with titrimetric. The results showed that drilled well water had total hardness (117 mg CaCO3 / L), calcium level (46,8 Ca / L) and magnesium level (70,2 Mg / L). While water filtrate has a total hardness (111 mg CaCO3 / L), calcium levels (44.4 mg Ca / L), and magnesium levels (66.6 mg Mg / L). These results indicate that the hardness of drilled well water and filtrate water still meet PerMenKes standard No. 492 / Menkes / Per / IV / 2010 (total hardness 500 mg CaCO3 / L).} }