@thesis{thesis, author={Kartika Vinny Dwi}, title ={Pengaruh Ikat Silang terhadap Sensitifitas dan Morfologi Film Kitosan - Grafena pada Pendeteksian Urea}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={Chitosan - Graphene film sensors have been successfully fabrication using electrodeposition method and cross-linked by glutaraldehyde and sodiun tripolyphosphate. The effect of addition graphene on chitosan film sensors have proven improve the sensitivity of chitosan film sensors. Chitosan solution added with graphene with variation 25 ppm, 50 ppm, 75 ppm, and 100 ppm. The sensing properties of Chitosan - Graphene film sensors are tested towards urea concentrations of 1 ppm, 2 ppm, 4 ppm, 6 ppm, and 10 ppm. The measurement results of maximum voltage from Chitosan - Graphene cross-linked Sodium Tripolyphospat film sensors (0,647 V) is greater than pure chitosan sensors (0,324 V) and chitosan - graphene cross-linked glutaldehide (0,6231 V). Based on SEM analysis result obtained that the Chitosan - Grafene film sensors with an additional 25 ppm graphene is the best variation, but in sensitivity analysis Chitosan ? Grafene 75 ppm film sensors showed good sensitivity and reproducibility, and long life time. In this experiment is also using FT-IR and XRD for characterization.} }