@thesis{thesis, author={Sinurat Jhon Patar}, title ={Isolasi Senyawa Fenolik dan Uji Antibakteri serta Antioksidan dari Daun Tumbuhan Saputangan (Maniltoa grandiflora (A. Gray) Scheff)}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={Isolation and characterization of phenolic compound from leaves of Saputangan plants (Maniltoa grandiflora (A. Gray) Scheff) continued antibacterial and antioxidant activity tests have been carried out. The isolation process of phenolic compound was started through maceration process using methanol solvent, the partition using ethyl acetate and n-hexane, then the isolation using column chromatography. Characterization using UV-Vis, FT-IR, NMR and ESI-HRMS instruments. Antibacterial test was carried out using agar diffusion method and antioxidants was carried out using DPPH method for phenolic compound. Based on the screening test, it can be stated that the leaves of the saputangan plant contain phenolic compounds, flavonoids and terpenoids. Phenolic compound obtained have a weight of 32,3 mg and Rf as 0,51. The results of interpretation of spectroscopic data show that phenolic compound is methyl gallate compound with the structure formula C8H8O5 and molecular weight of 184. Antibacterial activity of phenolic compound against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria have the average inhibition zones of 7,87 and 8,76 mm, respectively. it can categorized as medium level. Phenolic compound antioxidant has IC50 values of 16,136 mg/l which can be categorized as very strong antioxidant.} }