@thesis{thesis, author={Hastuti Mona}, title ={Pengaruh Media Audiovisual dan Ceramah terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Remaja tentang Pentingnya Konsumsi Sayur dan Buah di SMPIT Al Musabbihin dan SMPIT Namira Medan Tahun 2018}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={The importance of eating fruits and vegetables is still less realized by the Indonesian population. Especially in adolescents aged 10-14 years only 6.4% who consume fruits and vegetables as much as 5 servings or more per day the rest of less than 5 servings. Factors suspected to be the cause of low consumption of vegetables and fruits is a lack of knowledge and adolescent attitudes so that health promotion needs to be done, one way by using audiovisual. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of audiovisual media in improving knowledge and attitude toward the consumption of vegetables and fruit on the students This type of research is quasi experimental with group pretest posttest design The research was conducted at SMPIT Al Musabbihin and SMPIT Namira Medan. The research population is 58 people, and the sample is divided into 28 people in SMPIT Al Musabbihin and 30 people in SMPIT Namira. Data analysis using univariate analysis, bivariate analysis with t-dependent test (paired-sample t test) at 95% confidence level (? = 0,05). The results showed that audiovisual media had no effect to improve the students 'knowledge about the importance of vegetable and fruit consumption compared with the lecture method but influenced to improve the students' attitude become more positive toward the importance of vegetable and fruit consumption. It is suggested to the principals, teachers at SMPIT Al Musabbihin and SMPIT Namira to use audiovisual and lecture media as both methods proved to improve knowledge and attitude but emphasized the use of audiovisual media to change students' attitudes about the importance of consumption of vegetables and fruits to be positive all of it.} }