@thesis{thesis, author={Siregar Yafrinal}, title ={Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Promosi Leaflet dan Audio Visual terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap Remaja Tentang Bahaya HIV/ AIDS di SMK Swasta Imelda Medan}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={HIV / AIDS in adolescents is inseparable from the development of globalization resulting in social changes and negative lifestyle in adolescents such as premarital sex, multiple partners and drug abuse. In terms of avoiding the occurrence of HIV / AIDS in adolescents In terms of avoiding the occurrence of HIV / AIDS in adolescents can be promoted action through health education by using leaflet and audio visual media that provides information and education of the dangers of HIV/AIDS to increase knowledge and good attitudes.The research problem is how the influence of leaflet and audio visual media to the level of knowledge and attitude of adolescent. The purpose of research is to analyze the influence of leaflet and audio visual media on the level of knowledge and attitude of adolescents about the dangers of HIV/AIDS in private vocational schools of Imelda Medan. The type of research is quasi experiment with pretest and posttest design. The study was conducted in private vocational schools of Imelda Medan. The samples are students of grade X,XI and XII of 53 persons,.The data collection instrument uses questionnaires. The test use Wilcoxon Test The results of the research shows that leaflet and audio visual media significantly (p <0.05), has an effect on the level of knowledge and attitude of adolescents, compared than before intervention Suggested to parents to avoid smoking behavior in front of children, the school cooperates with parents to discuss academic development and students behavior, the nearest health service improves health education program about the danger of HIV/AIDS. The conclusion of the research is audio visual media more effectively improve the knowledge and attitude of adolescent about danger of HIV/AIDS. Suggested to parents to democratically control the behavior of children at home and outside the home, the school cooperates with parents to discuss academic development and students behavior , the nearest health service improves health education program about the danger of HIV/AIDS.} }