@thesis{thesis, author={Mariany Betty Saurina}, title ={Faktor Determinan yang Memengaruhi Kualitas Hidup Penderita HIV pada Komunitas LSL (Lelaki Seks Dengan Lelaki) di Kota Pematangsiantar Tahun 2018}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={The HIV patients in the MSM community in Pematangsiantar have deprived life quality. The poor quality of life was related to the negative social stigma to HIV depression and family support. The objective of the research was to analyze the determining factors the influence the life quality of HIV patiente in the MSM community in Pematangsiantar. The was an analytic survey research with cross-sectional study design. The population was all HIV patiente in the MSM community in Pematangsiantar, namely 32 personal. The data were collected through interviewed and observation. The data were analyzed by applying Multiple Logistic Regression testing at confidence intervale 95%. The result of the research demonstrated mat factros of negative social stigma and depression had come influence on the quality of life of HIV patients in the MSM community in Pematangsiantar, where as factor of family support did not have any influence on the I quality of life, and the variable with the most dominant influence on quality of life was the depression with RP = 37.653, indicating that the depression HIV patiente had 37.653 times worse quality of life compared to those who were not depressed. It was suggestied that the socety had to accept the existence of HIV patiente in MSM community to increase patients quality of life; that the health personnel in Pematangsiantar make an approach to the community, health counceling can be provided to reduce their depression, and the family of the MSM improves their moral support to the patients by accepting their condition and be more open to their problem, it can improve the life quality of HIV patients.} }