@thesis{thesis, author={Wati Evi Erlinda}, title ={Analisis Determinan Kejadian HIV pada Lelaki Seks dengan Lelaki (LSL) di Puskesmas Teladan Kota Medan Tahun 2018}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={HIV has become an international problem. HIV transmission that is so fast must be watched out by the entire global community. HIV can be caused by unhealthy sexual behavior. Male Sex with Men (MSM) is one group that is at risk of developing HIV. This study aims to determine the determinants that influence HIV incidence in MSM in Puskesmas Teladan Medan. This type of research is case-control with samples of MSM totaling 96 people. This research was conducted at Puskesmas Teladan Medan from September2017 until July 2018. Sampling was carried out by incidental sampling, namely MSM who happened to come to the health center and according to the criteria the researcher was taken as the study sample. The independent variables in this study are the characteristics of respondents, knowledge, perceptions, attitudes, changing partners, condom use, and social environment. The dependent variable is the incidence of HIV in MSM. Data were obtained by interviews using questionnaires and scoring techniques. Data analysis was performed using chi-square test and multiple logistic regression. The results showed 58.3% of cases had poor knowledge, bad perception of 58.3%, negative attitude 64.6%, changing partners 52.1%, condom use was not consistent 68.8%, and no trauma in the past 93.8%. The results of the chi-square test showed that there was a correlation between knowledge of perception, attitude, changing partners, and condom use with HIV incidence in MSM in Puskesmas Teladan Medan City. Multiple logistic regression tests showed that knowledge was the most dominant variable affecting HIV in MSM in Puskesmas Teladan Medan with an OR of 3,040. The most dominant risk factor affecting HIV incidence in MSM in Puskesmas Teladan Medan City in 2018 is knowledge. It is expected that governments especially public health office in Medanto pay more attention to condition of MSM because it is very susceptible to transmission HIV.} }