@thesis{thesis, author={Lubis Nurhayani}, title ={Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Paparan Gas Amonia (NH3) terhadap Gangguan Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) disekitar Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Terjun Kecamatan Medan Marelan Kota Medan Tahun 2018}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={Garbage is one of national problems requiring special attention from the government. The high rate of environmental pollution resulted from piles of solid garbage and poor sanitation systems will lead to threat to the health of the comunity living nearby. This causes 60-70% of the garbage at the TPA ( Dump Station)turn into organic garbage which is easily decomposed and produces gas such as NH3. This is an analytical observation; research with cross sectional design. It approaches the problem by employing Environmental Health Risk Analysis. The objective of this approach was to assess the risk rate of acute respiratory track infection which was made dependent variable in this research. The result of the chi Square analysis demonstrated the concentrate of NH3 (PR=4,212), time of exposure (t) ) (PR=21,011), duration of exposure (Dt) (PR=5,952), weight (Wb) (PR= 6,176) and smoking habit(PR=31,0) had some influence on the prevalence of acute respiratory tract infection at TPA Terjun, Medan. The results of the multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression test showed that time of exposure (t) (Exp(B) = 15.061), had the most influence on the prevalence of acute respiratory tract infection. It is concluded that TPA influenced the quality of the air surrounding it, especially ammonia which has risk for acute respiratory tract infection. Therefore, it is suggested that Medan Government take into consideration the change in garbage management system using sanitary landfill which has been done daily. It is also suggested that the health egency of Medan be capable of making risk management for the community that has risk of exposure to gas toxicity at TPA Terjun, Medan.} }