@thesis{thesis, author={Fajar Faldi}, title ={Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhi Kebijakan Dividen dengan Kepemilikan Manajerial sebagai Variabel Moderating pada perusahaan Industri Barang Konsumsi di Indonesia}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={The problem in this research is whether Profitability (ROA), Leverage (DER), Liquidity (CR), Size and Free Cash Flow (FCF) have an effect on Dividend Policy simultaneously and partially and whether Managerial Ownership can moderate the influence of Profitability ROA), Leverage (DER), Liquidity (CR), Company Size (Size), and Free Cash Flow (FCF) against Dividend Policy. This study aims to conduct an empirical study of the factors that affect the company's dividend policy. The population in this study are all consumer goods industry in Indonesia listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2012-2016 as many as 34 companies. The sample selection is done by purposive sampling method obtained 11 companies that the research samples. Sources of data in this research is secondary data obtained from the official website www.idx.co.id and www.sahamoke.com. Method of data analysis of this research is to use the classical assumption, hypothesis testing, coefficient of determination test, and residual test using SPSS version 22. The results showed that simultaneously Profitability (ROA), Leverage (DER), Liquidity (CR), Size (Size), and Free Cash Flow (FCF) have significant (0.001 <0.05) effect on Dividend Policy. Variable Leverage (DER) has a negative effect on Dividend Policy. Corporate Size Variable significantly influence Dividend Policy. Profitability (ROA), Liquidity (CR), and Free Cash Flow (FCF) variables have no significant partial effect on Dividend Policy. The results of this study indicate that the variable Managerial Ownership is not able to moderate the relationship between Profitability (ROA), Leverage (DER), Liquidity (CR), Company Size (Size), and Free Cash Flow (FCF) with Dividend Policy.} }