@thesis{thesis, author={Setiadi Gunawan}, title ={Grammatical Metaphor in English Textbook of Senior High School}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={This study entitled Grammatical Metaphor In English Textbook of Senior High School. It aims to find out the types of ideational and interpersonal grammatical metaphor are used in English textbook of Senior High School and also to describe how are ideational and intepersonal grammatical metaphor realiazed in English textbook of Senior high School. The data for this research were the texts that were taken from fifteen chapters in English textbook of Senior High School. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research. From the analysis it was found 1. There are 195 appearances of ideational grammatical metaphor are found in English textbook of Senior High School. The finding shows that from 13 types of ideational grammatical metaphor, it was found nine types of ideational grammatical metaphor they are type 1 (15%), type 2 (29%), type 5 (11%), type 6 (0%), type 7 (1%), type 8 (4%), type 10 (14%), type 12 (4%), type 13 (i) (14%) and (ii) (8%). Ideational grammatical metaphor is realized in English textbook of Senior High School by changing the metaphorical wording can be changed into congruent wording. 2. There are 237 appearances of interpersonal grammatical metaphor are found in English textbook of Senior High School. The finding shows that metaphor of mood is found in English textbook of Senior High School. Declarative, imperative and interrogative in which declarative is the most dominant (53%) because declarative has purpose that the book want to give a lot of information for the readers. Meanwhile, metaphor of modality found are usuallity, probability, inclination, and obligation. Inclination is the most dominant used (17%), those modality made the speaking text are more formal like the utilizing will, and should covering in the dialogue. Intepersonal grammatical metaphor is realized by the use of incongruent types of expressing meaning.} }