@thesis{thesis, author={Putra Zulfakar Adi}, title ={Perbandingan Metode Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) untuk Pemilihan Internet Service Provider}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={This research aims to design a decision support system based on computer applications that can assist decision makers in determining Internet Service Provider in accordance with the requirements. Decision support systems ISP determination is performed by applying Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making (FMADM) using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Simple Additive weighting method (SAW). In taking the decision to use six criteria comparable to the ISP, the speed of access, data security, cost, bandwidth, services provided and the technology used. The study was conducted in Medan which involves five ISP that Dota Medan, Speedy, Nusa Net, Pesat Net and Infocom. Application of this research is built using the programming language PHP and MySQL as DBMS. The final results of this study provide the best alternative is Dota Medan with 0.333 weights using AHP and 8.290 by using the SAW method. The average total time required to execute the program AHP is 0.3588 seconds and the total average time required to execute proram SAW method is 0.0468 seconds. Time complexity of Big ? for AHP is T(n) = ?(n3), while for the SAW method is T(n) = ?(n2).} }