@thesis{thesis, author={Sinaga Zuwanna Anggraini}, title ={Pengaruh Kitosan Asal Ekstrak Kulit Udang Terhadap Gambaran Histologis Hepar Tikus Putih (Rattus sp.) Setelah Dipapari Timbal (Pb)}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={Research The Effect of Chitosan from Shrimp Shell Extract on White Rat (Rattus sp.) Liver Histological After Exposed Lead (Pb) aims to determine the effect of Lead exposure on white rat liver histological, determined the effect various concentrations of chitosan on white rat liver histological after exposed lead and determined the dose that is able to reduce lead exposue on white rat liver. The research used completely randomized design (RAL) which consist of 7 treatments, that is control (K), solvent control (KP), lead (P1), kitosan 1% (P2), combination chitosan 0,5% with lead (P3), combination chitosan 0,75% with lead (P4), combination chitosan 1% with lead (P5). The treatment carried out for 6 weeks with concetration lead 10 mg/tail/day and concentration of chitosan 0,5%, 0,75% and 1%. The results showed that lead to a concentration of 10 mg/tail/day caused liver cell damage by 85.706%, and a decrease in the damage with the addition of chitosan. Damage to the liver cells of 52.452% at P3, P4 damage to the liver cells by 33.62% and liver damage in P5 at 31.906%.} }