@thesis{thesis, author={Yusriwiati }, title ={Pengaruh Sistem Rekrutmen Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Kinerja Kepala SMPN di Kota Medan}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={The background of this study entitled ?The effect of the Principals Recruitment Mechanism on the Principals Performance of Junior Secondary Schools in Medan City? was the writer?s concern on the phenomena that many Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) in Medan were not managed very well by the principals. The purpose of the study was to obtain an overview of the recruitment mechanism of the JSS Principals and its impact on the principals? performance. The research problems are: 1) How was the recruitment mechanism of the JSS in Medan City? 2) What was the impact of the recruitment mechanism on the principals? performance? The primary data was taken through questionnaire given to 41 principals as samples, and secondary data were obtained through observation and interview. The results show that the regulation for prospective school principals assigned by the Ministry of National Education is found to be merely administrative requirement. The office of the Education Department has never made an official announcement in mass media dealing with the position vacancy. It was also found that the position costs the candidates 80 million rupiahs as the minimum prize. Dealing with their duties and functions, the principals did not conduct the supervision in contrast to their recognition of the benefits. The RKS, RKT and RKAS documents which are compulsory to any schools were not well-documented by the school. Schools facilities and infrastructures are found to be quite good. In addition, the principals are not transparent neither accountable in managing school programs. None of the principals has the skills of entrepreneurship. In general, the schools provide good programs for students and they provide good impacts on the students? non-academic achievements. It was also found that teachers? achievements are higher than students? achievements. As a suggestion, recruitment mechanism for JSS principals in Medan City should be done transparently through an auction system.} }