@thesis{thesis, author={Rufaidah Ine}, title ={Gambaran Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Ny. K dan Ny. J Terhadap Teknik Foot Hand Massage Dengan Nyeri Akut Post Partum Sectio Caesarea Di RSUD Pasar Rebo}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.akperberkala.ac.id/id/eprint/58/}, abstract={Sectio Caesarea is cutting or slashing. The term referred to in obstetrics refers to a surgical procedure that aims to give birth to a baby by opening the mother's abdominal wall. Pain can be caused by various stimuli such as mechanical, internal, chemical, or electrical to the nerve endings. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of nursing care for 2 clients who have the same characteristics as age, have acute pain nursing problems and medical diagnoses of sectio caesarea. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research design with a case study and intervention approach. The place of research was carried out in the pomegranate room of Pasar Rebo Hospital in June 2022. The action to be taken on post partum clients with acute pain is the foot hand massage technique where foot hand massage is effective for reducing pain. Data were obtained from clients, nurses, health teams, progress notes, health records. Treatment of acute pain carried out on clients with sectio caesarea showed that acute pain in clients could be resolved, analgesics and foot hand massage had been carried out and had reduced pain results. The results of the application of the foot hand massage technique for 3x24 hours in succession to the client are expected to reduce acute pain and acute pain nursing problems can be resolved. It is hoped that this foot hand massage can be applied in nursing care with acute pain nursing problems that can be applied and carried out by clients independently at home. Keyword : Post Surgery Sectio Caesarea, foot hand massage, Post Partum Mother, Maternity Nursing} }