@thesis{thesis, author={Efendy Muhammad}, title ={TA : Pembuatan Film Pendek Tentang Kehidupan Remaja Masa Kini dengan Alur Linear Sirkuler Berjudul "No"}, year={2014}, url={https://repository.dinamika.ac.id/id/eprint/1093/}, abstract={Promiscuity among teenagers is one of the necessities of human life, because humans are social creatures who need others in their daily, and interpersonal relationships fostered through an association (Rini Fauziyah, 2011). But promiscuity is happening now is very alarming. There are so many that have been occurring deviant behavior and violate social values in society such as sex, drugs, abortion and others. According to BKKBN survey in 2010 showed 51 percent of teens in Jabodetabek have premarital sex. As a source of information to the public about the impact of free association it needs to make a short movie drama genre with a linear circular groove that tells about the impact of promiscuity. The short movie itself is a film with a duration under 60 minutes (Effendy, 2009: 4). With short duration, movie makers are more selective in conveying the message. In the researchers aim to make a short movie that puts on the information of the impact of promiscuity among teenagers. The method used is an interview, study of existing literature and studies related to the effects of promiscuity and how to make a short movie. Further analysis to make a short movie, made concept, synopsis, scenarios and storyboards. After that go on stage and continued shooting at the stage of video editing. The result is a short movie about the information of the impact of the drama genre promiscuity using linear circular groove. Researchers hope that from this work may reduce that number of teens who commit negative actions due to the influences of promiscuity.} }