@thesis{thesis, author={Yanuardi Emir}, title ={Pengaruh Penempatan Dana Pada SBIS, Dana Pihak Ketiga Dan Rasio Kecukupan Modal Terhadap Likuiditas Bank Syariah Mandiri (Periode 2007 Sampai Dengan 2009)}, year={2011}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1495/}, abstract={Banks must manage their liquidity needs effectively because they must have enough cash in order to meet obligations to their creditors or investors. Bank liquidity affected the rating system and level of customers trust. Bank's inability to pay its obligations will lead to public distrust and when this happens the bank may experience a rush. Ratios used in assessing the liquidity aspect is financing to deposit ratio (FDR). This study aims to determine the effect of the bank placement of funds in the SBIS, the number of funding deposit (DPK) and CAR on the liquidity ratio (FDR) with the object of research, Bank Syariah Mandiri. The data used are secondary data obtained from the website BSM and BI with research period starting from January 2007 until December 2009. The model used was multiple regression with ordinary least square method. The hypothesis testing was done by using f-test and-t test with significance level of 5%. Prior to conducting the hypothesis test, performed classical assumption The results show the value of adjusted R2 is 0,779 which means three independent variables can give simultant contribution to dependent variable for about 77,9 % and the rest which is 22,1 % explained by other variables that not being used in this research model. F test result shows that three independent variables together can explain dependent variable. Based on T test, SBIS and DPK have significant affect to FDR. Keywords : Liquidity, FDR, CAR, DPK, SBIS} }