@thesis{thesis, author={Sa'diyah Ulil Amri}, title ={Pengaruh Customer Value Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen (Studi Pada Pelanggan Im3 Cabang Metropolitan Mall, Bekasi)}, year={2012}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1555/}, abstract={This thesis is discussing about the affect of customer value against consumer loyalty on IM3 customer. The purpose of this research is to know how the customer value affect the consumer loyalty , based on performance product value, service value and price value in which is the most affective on the consumer loyalty of IM3 customer. The analyzes method that has been used is the descriptive method analyzes and the statistic method analyzes which consist of double regression analysis, simultaneous testing, partial testing, and determination coefficient testing. The subject in this research is IM3 customer which be in Galeri Indosat branch Metropolitan Mall, Bekasi City. The result of this research is presence of significant affect from the customer value variable against the consumer loyalty. With equation regression Y=0,803 + 0,323 X1 + 0,319 X2 + 0,466 X3 + e and F value counts for 51,473 and determination coefficient value for 60,5%. The conclusion of this research is there are significant affect from the customer value which consist product performance value, service value and price value against the consumer loyalty on IM3 consumer which be in Galeri Indosat branch Metropolitan Mall Bekasi city. And the most dominant variable that affected the consumer loyalty on IM3 customer is price value. Keyword : customer value, consumer loyalty.} }