@thesis{thesis, author={Pramita Dewandaru Agung}, title ={Perhitungan Risiko Pembiayaan Dengan Pendekatan Creditrisk+ Pada BPRS Al Barokah Periode Oktober 2008}, year={2010}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1601/}, abstract={The main purpose of this study is to calculate the risk of financing by using CreditRisk+ method and to conclude whether CreditRisk+ method is feasible if used by BPRS Al Barokah. VAR or unexpected loss and PPAP are compared with NPF. The result is to be used in concluding whether CreditRisk+ method is feasible if used by BPRS Al Barokah. This study is case study in BPRS Al Barokah. Data used in this study are qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative data are the financing position of each financing product at September 2008, collectibility rate of each obligor in each financing product at September 2008, PPAP and NPF at October 2008. Qualitative data is from interview In conclusion, CreditRisk+ method is feasible if used by BPRS Al Barokah because the difference between VAR and NPF is positive (pesimistic) while the difference between PPAP and NPF is negative (optimistic). Keywords : CreditRisk+, PPAP, NPF, real loss, VAR or unexpected loss} }