@thesis{thesis, author={Ramayani Anita}, title ={Analisis Penilaian Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pemberian Kredit Pada Sektor UKM Pada Bank X}, year={2010}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1609/}, abstract={The objectives of this research are to identify factors that influences the decision of credit lending for small and medium enterprise at Bank X. According to the current regulation in Indonesia, every comercial bank before giving their credit must analyze their credit applicant, including 5C, 7P, and 3R. Bank X use SUKA in doing their credit analysis, which include Eligibility Criteria, Parameters & Collateral. Those factors basically include the principles of credit lending, which are 5C, 7P, and 3 R Keywords:credit, SUKA, Eligibility Criteria, Parameters, Collateral} }