@thesis{thesis, author={Purwanto Ditya Amanda Angela}, title ={Pengaruh Laba Bersih Dan Komponen Arus Kas Terhadap Expected Return Saham LQ45 Periode 2005 - 2007}, year={2009}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1616/}, abstract={Capital market is a place for public to invest their excess funds in various financial assets to earn return. The investments decision, therefore, must always be considered in terms of both risk and return. The larger risk is had by securities, the larger return will he expected. Investors need the information which has related with the investment to know the security's risk and expected return. One of the information is financial statement. The purpose of this research is to examine whether net income and cash flow components are influence significantly expected return of company's stoclc. This research used the LQ45 population in period of 2004, 2005, and 2006. This research used multiple regression analysis to examine the influence of net income and cash flow components on expected return. The result of this research indicates net income influence expected return significantly and cash flow components do not influence expected return. Keywords: net income, cash flow from operation, cash flow from investing, cash flow from financing, and expected return.} }