@thesis{thesis, author={Carolina P.S Astrid}, title ={Penilaian Kinerja Bank Dengan Menggunakan Model CAEL (Capital, Asset, Earnings, And Liquidity) Pada Tahun 2007 & 2008 (Studi Pada Bank X)}, year={2010}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1622/}, abstract={Assessment of financial sector of bank aim to assess banking health measurement which can be done with qualitative approach to various aspects having an effect on to condition and development a bank, covers legal capital aspect, quality of productive asset, management, rentability and liquidity. Qualitative approach applied to evaluate condition a Commercial Bank the board is method CAMEL ( Capital Adequacy, Assets Quality, Management Quality, Earnings, Liquidity) but, in this research only used Capital, Asset Quality, Earning and Liquidity. Period of this research on 2007 and 2008, the object of this research in one of good performance banks which is Bank X. the result of ths research in 2007 composite rank of Bank X is 2 and 2008 the composite rank is 1.5. the result indicate that Bank X categorized as a very good performances and capable to solved a negative influence from economic condition and industries Keywords : Assessment, Bank, Method CAMEL,} }