@thesis{thesis, author={Dwiwyanti Anindika}, title ={Analisis CAMELS Untuk Menilai Tingkat Kesehatan Bank (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Bank XYZ Periode Tahun 2006-2007)}, year={2010}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1656/}, abstract={The impact of the growth of this current economics was various companies belonging to the government and private enterprise that grew fast. This could be seen with even more of them banking together with the branch of the bank that operated all over Indonesia, both the bank belonging to national private enterprise, foreign private enterprise, and the mixture. Therefore, the repairing of the sector of banking in returning the community's belief in the national banking agency in the look as something that the subject to restore the Indonesian economy. This research aimed to knowing the level of the health of PT. Bank XYZ the period in 2006 - 2007. Was in accordance with the standard that was determined by the Indonesian Bank, as well as the growth or the bank experienced the significant decline. The analysis method of the data that was used was the descriptive analysis analytical, that is by counting the ratios of the level of the health of the bank or the CAMELS ratio that consist of Capital, Assets Quality, Management, Earnings, Liquidity, and Sensitivity of Market Risk. The aim of the use of the CAMELS method of knowing the impact and the influence of various important factors banking such as Capital Factor, Asses Quality Factor, Management Factor, Eanings Factor, Liquidity Facto, and Sensitivity Factor. From results of the CAMELS analysis research could be produced that PT. Bank XYZ during 2006 was classified as healthy and afterwards the achievement of PT. Bank XYZ during 2007 increase to be classed as very healthy. Keywords : CAMELS} }