@thesis{thesis, author={Ramadhan A. K. Widy}, title ={Faktor-Faktor Penentu (Determinan) Struktur Permodalan Pada Bank-Bank Nasional BUMN Periode 2005 - 2008}, year={2010}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1658/}, abstract={Depart from the same basic theoremof Modigliani-Miller (1958) and Pecking Order Theory of Myers & Majluf (1984) about capital structure decision, that firm prefer in raising debt to equity financing in order to maximize its value. Specifically in banking industry, capital issue is one of the most important factorfor financial health assessment beside the other factors included in CAMELS his study examines theoretically and empirically the standard determinants of capital structure that founded in the previous researchs and literatures. Using the financial statement data from governmental banks in Indonesia (Bank BUMN) between 2005 and 2008, writer found thatcapital ratioof those banks are adequately set but volatile. Based on this fact, studying the factor that may associated and determined to the capital ratio of bank is important. Previous studies found some considered reliably important factors that determined capital level in banking. Those factors are size of bank, profitability, loan loss provision, and collateral value of assets. Finally, the test of hypotheses shows that in the significance level of 5% profitability and loan loss provision have significant affect in capital ratio. In the other hand, size and collateral value have insignificant affect in capital ratio Keywords: capital structure, size of bank, profitability, loan loss provision, collateral value of assets} }