@thesis{thesis, author={Januarti Gerry}, title ={Analisis Pengaruh Jumlah ATM Terhadap Fee Based Income ATM Pada PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk. Periode 2003-2007}, year={2009}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1668/}, abstract={Banks are institution which acts as a financial intermediary between people who have more money (surplus unit) and people who need money (deficit unit). Banks also have function to accommodate the traffic of payment. The function of banks as a financial intermediary come with the fact that most of national banks depend on the interest of credit as a revenue resource, but after economic crisis in 1998 the condition started to change, where banks tend to get revenue from another operational income which one of it is the fee based income. The fee based income is one of banks effort to gain profit except from interest. There are many factors affected the foe based income that are income from ATM which is also affected by the unit of ATM and features of the ATM. number of consumer, the amount of transactions, etc. The aim of this research is to know the effect of ATM unit on the fee based income which is resulted from ATM during period of January 2003 until December 2007. The object of the research is PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk. This Bank has the largest unit of ATM in Indonesia. The method of this research is using simple linear regression analysis. The result of this research show that the amount of ATM is significantly affected on the foe based income which is resulted from ATM of Bank Central Asia (BCA). Keywords: fee based income, ATM, BCA bank, simple linear regression analysis.} }