@thesis{thesis, author={Barnas Gilang Jatnika}, title ={Analisis Rata-Rata Harga Saham Dan Rata-Rata Likuiditas Saham Sebelum Dan Sesudah Stock Split Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2002 - 2007}, year={2010}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1673/}, abstract={This paper is going to explain the effect of stock split to stock price and stock liquidity. The objective of stock split is to make the stock in optimum trading range. By doing stock split, the demand of stock will be increase so trading volume will be liquid. After stock split, stock price will be higher than before if positive signal about a better condition of management performance has been proven This research purposes to find the effect of stock split to stock price and stock liquidity of companies which doing stock split in Indonesian Stock Exchange in period 2002-2007 Based on paired sample t test, the result is shown that there is significant difference between mean of stock price before and after stock split. It is shown by the increasing of stock price. Based on TVA test, the result is shown that tere is significant difference between TVA mean before and after stock split which is shown by the increasing of TVA Keywords : Stock Split, Stock Price, Liquidity} }