@thesis{thesis, author={Rachim Filamena Rachma}, title ={Penerapan Segmentasi, Targeting, Dan Positioning Pada PT Nusadana Capital Indonesia}, year={2010}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1674/}, abstract={This research aims to know whether the positioning that being clamed by the company matched the customer?s perceptions, identify the company?s effort to form positioning, and formulate some efforts that could strengthen company?s positioning in customer?s mind. The data used in this research are as follow; company profile, market profile, and customers opinions. Those data were analyzed by related theories. The sources of the data in this research are the company?s equity sales person (Wakil Perantara Perdagangan Efek), customers, and several of literatures. The method used in this research is comparison between the research?s results with the related theories. The results of this research show that the company had only implemented partial of Kotler?s segmentation theory, the company had chosen its target for equity product, customers confirmed that company does not have a valuable product differences compares to its competitors, the company chooses quality positioning for its services, there is a gap between company positioning and customer perception. Key words: Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning, Equity, Sales, Company} }