@thesis{thesis, author={Herizal Oki}, title ={Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Bagi Hasil Deposito Mudharabah Mutlaqah Kepada Nasabah BPRS Al Salaam Amal Salman Periode Januari 2007 - Desember 2008}, year={2010}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1688/}, abstract={The objective of this research is to know the factors that significantly affect the rate of return of one month mudharabah deposit to customer at BPRS Al Salaam Amal Salman. Based on theoretical framework and previous research, the affected factors of the rate of return are internal factor such as the rate of financing to deposit ratio (FDR), rate of non performing financing (NPF), and external factor such as Interest rate of one month conventional bank. The research was performed at BPRS Al Salaam Amal Salman and its used internal data, including equivalent rate of return of one month deposit, rate of financing to deposit ratio (FDR), and rate of non performing financing (NPF) from January 2007 to December 2008. Meanwhile, the external date used in the research is the interest rate of 1 month deposit of central bank from January 2007 to December 2008. In this research, the researcher prepared the hypothetical and then examined the hypothetical with multiple regression method. The result of this research shows that the rate of non performing financing significantly affect rate of return one month deposits to customer at BPRS Al Salaam Amal Salman, but the other factors such as the rate of financing to deposit ratio (FDR) and interest rate of conventional bank are not significantly affect rate of return of one month deposits to customer at BPRS Al Salaam Amal Salman. Keywords : Mudharabah (Islamic Law Profit Sharing System), FDR, NPF, Interest Rate of Conventional Bank.} }