@thesis{thesis, author={A. Bangun Marisa Etikahayu}, title ={Analisa Dampak Go Public Terhadap Fungsi Intermediasi Perbankan, Tingkat Kredit Bermasalah Dan Kinerja Operasi (Studi Kasus : PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk)}, year={2009}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1690/}, abstract={Banking Industry still become priority to the Economic of Indonesia. With the function of banking, Indonesia's economic will growth in the future. Lately, there are three problems that bank should accomplish to strength the foundation of bank. Three problems are Capital, Banking Intermediary and Non-performing loans. Banks got opportunity to increase their capital by become go public banks. By become go public banks, banks can increase their capital in the future. The purpose of this research is to discover the financial performance 's difference after bank go public. The object of this research is PT BRI, Tbk, that have been listed since November 2003. This research used descriptive analysis to discover the financial performance's difference and paired sample t-test analysis to discover the significancy level of the difference. As a result, after go public, LDR and ROA of PT BRI, Tbk are significantly different, but they were decreasing. Meanwhile, NPL is unsignificantly different. NPL continues to increase but the increasing still fulfill the BI requirement. As a conclusion, bank condition before go public are difference compared to bank condition after going public, although there is some evidence that their performance deteriorates. Keywords: Stock Market, Banking, LDR, NPL, ROA, descriptive analysis, compare means.} }