@thesis{thesis, author={Erhar Marrita}, title ={Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Nasabah Captive Dan Non-Captive Tabungan Bank DKI}, year={2009}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1691/}, abstract={This research entitled "The analyze of service Quality toward captive and non-captive customer satisfaction in Bank DKI sub division walikota Jakarta Selatan. The aims of this research were to know and analyze about average of captain and non captive customer satisfaction in Bank DKI and to know and analyze customer satisfaction level. The analysis tools that uses in this research were Mann-whitney test. Whereas to test significance level was uses F test showes that satisfaction average value was deference between captive and non-captive customer. It means, non-captive customer did not satisfy with service quality from Bank DKI. Keywords: Captive and Non-captiove customer satisfaction.} }