@thesis{thesis, author={Ariani Maulida Novita}, title ={Faktor-Faktor Yang Menjadi Landasan Pembuatan Keputusan Nasabah Mahasiswa Dalam Memilih Produk Tabungan Pada Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur}, year={2009}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1692/}, abstract={This study aims at knowing description of personality aspects, namely affective, cognitive and attitude as group tis ground toward making decision to choose saving product with BPD Kaltim. Besides, it also to know which personality factors dominant to the students' decisio11 to choose saving product with BPD Kaltim. This study uses average value analysis and the five highest rank of each variable calculated using SPSS software version 14. Result of average value shows affective variable (X1) in the amount of 3,6940, cognitive variable (X2) in the amount of 3.6800 and attitude variable (X3) in tire amount of 3.8593. Attitude variable (X3) has the ltighest average value, this means attitude (X3) is tire most dominant variable grounded decision making to choose saving product with BPD Kaltim. Result of the five top rank of each variable obtained : affective variable (X1) includes safe image (X1,5) of 3.99, safe feeling (Xl,l0) of 3.98, politeness and respect feeling (X1,13) of 3,85, hospitality (X1,11) of 3.84 and capability and akill (Xl,9) of 3.83. Cognitive variable (X2) includes ATM (X2,4) of 3.91, economical life principle (X2,10) of 3.83, saving benefit (X2,3) of 3,79, facilitation of another facility (X2,5) of 3, 78 and information tee/urology (X2,9) of 3, 78. Attitude variable (X3) includes standby saving (X3,5) of 4.18, future alternative (X3,#) of 4.14, cope with financial matters (X3,7) of 4.14, education tuition (X3,8) of 4.10, and study saving (X3.2) of 4.00.} }