@thesis{thesis, author={Irnawati Rebekka}, title ={Analisis Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Memilih Jasa Perbankan Syariah}, year={2009}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1710/}, abstract={The changes in the banking system have created a new dimension in the banking industry. The difference between Islamic and non-Islamic banks is an Islamic sharia'h principles which not use interest in their operation. lslamic banks face strong competition from both Islamic and non-Islamic banks. Hence, it is of paramount importance to assess the marketing effectiveness of the Islamic Banks. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the decision making process of consumer who had to choose Islamic bank. There are also six major Purpose of this study such as to identify the characteristic of consumer Islamic bank, to identify the most favorite product of islamic bank, to identify motivation of consumer when they use Islamic bank's product and etc. The Loots of the analysis of this study are frequencies, crosstabs analysis, factor analysis, mean score analysis and also semantic-differential scale. Keywords: Islamic Sharia'h banks, consumer behavior, analysis factor} }