@thesis{thesis, author={Sulistyawan Sulistyawan}, title ={Analisis Faktor Internal Dan Eksternal Yang Mempengaruhi Indikasi Return Bagi Hasil Deposito Mudharabah Pada Bank Syariah Mandiri (Periode Januari 2004 - April 2007)}, year={2009}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/1718/}, abstract={This research aims to analyzed the factors that significantly affect the decision yield determine of mudharabah deposti syariah banking. The factors that being tested represent four variable as follows, interest rate, financing to deposit ratio (FDR), non performing financing (NPF), and effective rate. The data of this research, using profil distribution and monthly financial report at Bank Syariah Mandiri and also financial statistik data from Bank Indonesia since Januari 2004 to April 2007. The method of this research using multiple regression analyzed. The result show just effective rate variable significant to consider rate of return, but the other variable such as interest, non performing financing (NPF), and financing to deposit ratio (FDR) are not significant to consider rate of return. Keywords: Syariah Banking, Yield, FDR, NPF, Effective rate.} }