@thesis{thesis, author={Donny M S Aloysius}, title ={Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Komunikasi Antar Pribadi Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Karyawan Bagian Pelayanan di Rumah Sakit XYZ}, year={2015}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/2223/}, abstract={The research was carried out in Rumah Sakit XYZ that moved in the field of health, especially for pregnant women who will give birth. The research aimed to explain that physical work environment and interpersonal communication had effects on employees?s work motivation in Rumah Sakit XYZ. The applied research method was multiple linear regression. The results of multiple regression analysis is Y = 11,249 + 0,116 X1 + 0,459 X2. From the results of those calculations can be concluded that the variable physical works environment (X1) and interpersonal communication (X2) has a positive relationship with the employees?s work motivation. In view of the research results, it could be concluded that physical work environment and interpersonal communication had 21,5% effect on employees?s work motivation and 78,5% from other factors. Physical works environment (X1) did not have the significant effect on the employees?s work motivation, we can see it from partial coefficient regression (t-test) result that t count < t table (0,973 < 2,003). On the other, interpersonal communication (X2) have the significant effect on the employees?s work motivation, we can see it from t-test result that t count > t table (3,556 > 2,003). Based on research, it could be concluded that motivation effected by the physical work environment and interpersonal communication. Based on two independent variables, interpersonal communication had greater influence on the employees?s work motivation. Keywords : Physical Work Environment, Interpersonal Communication, Work Motivation.} }