@thesis{thesis, author={Sari Putri Andita}, title ={Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Likuiditas Dan Price Earning Ratio Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Saham Lq45 Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia 2011-2013}, year={2016}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/423/}, abstract={he objectives of this research is to analyze the influenceof profitability , liquidity and price earnings ratio of the stock price on the stock LQ45 listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2011-2013 Data used in this reaserch were obtained from the financial statements of the company. The number of sample for this reaserch is 19 company. Analyze technique used for this reaserch is multiple linier regression This reaserch has been analyzed with Eviews 7 program, and during the significance test it indicated that random effect was the most appropriate method. The result of this reaserch shows that Return On asset have a positive significant effect to stock price, Current Ratio have negative effect to stock price and PriceEarning Ratio have positivebut no significanteffect Keyword : Return On Asset, Current ratio, Price Earning Ratioand Stock Priceto stock price.} }