@thesis{thesis, author={Khatidjah Anggie Alicia}, title ={Pengaruh Rasio Keuangan Terhadap Return Saham Pada Perusahaan Non Bank Yang Termasuk Dalam Indeks Lq-45 Tahun 2009-2013}, year={2016}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/427/}, abstract={This research was performed to examine the influence of financial ratioto stock returnbycompanies that include in LQ-45 index from2009 to2013 periods.Financial ratioin this research intersects in four independent variables,such as leverage measured by DER, profitability measured by ROE, efficiencymeasured by inventory turn over , and liquiditymeasured by current ratio Analyze technique used for this reaserch is multiple linier regression. Data used in this reaserch were obtained from companies financial report. The number of sample for this reaserch is 12 companies that include in LQ-45index his reaserch has been analyzed with Eviews 7 program, and during the significance test it indicated that commoneffect was the most appropriate method. The result of this reaserch shows that leveragehave anegativeandsignificant effect to stock return, profitabilityhave positiveandsignificant effect to stock return,efficiencyhave positivebut no signifficant effect to stock returnand liquidityhave negative but no signifficant effect to stock return. Keyword : Stock Return, Leverage, Profitability, Liquidity, Efficiency.} }