@thesis{thesis, author={Atrilya Ceysa}, title ={Pengaruh Stress Kerja, Dukungan Sosial, Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Pada Karyawan PT Bank X (Persero) Tbk Pada Area Bogor Dan Sekitarnya}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/443/}, abstract={The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of Work Stres, Social Support and Motivation on Job Satisfaction in the employees PT Bank X Area Bogor. Independent variables in this research were Work Stress and Social Support.where as dependent variable were Motivation and Job Satisfaction . There were 130 employees including Marketing Officer,Teller, and Customer Service non outsorcing used as samples The analyst tool that used by researcher is SEM. The result show that Work Stress had a negative significant effect on Motivation, Motivation had a significant effect on Job Satisfaction, Social Support had a significant effect on the Job Satisfaction, andSocial Support significantly effect Motivation the most with estimation value of 0,074, whereas Social Support whereas did not affect Motivation, and it also showed that Work Stress significantly effect Job Satisfaction the most with the estimation value of -0.217, whereas Work Stress did not affect Job Satisfaction. Based on this research, it is suggested to management of PT Bank X Area Bogor to appreciate the work of it is employees so that they feel better and also notice for a family of employees to support their work in the office so that they are comfortable in working. Keywords : Work Stres, Social Support, Motivation , Job Satisfaction.} }