@thesis{thesis, author={SELLA KUMALA and sparta sparta}, title ={PENGARUH VARIABEL LOAN DEPOSIT RATIO, LIQUIDITY RESERVE REQUIREMENT RATIO, DAN FINANCIAL LEVERAGE TERHADAP INDIKASI PRAKTIK WINDOW DRESSING PADA PERBANKAN DI INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, DAN THAILAND PERIODE 2016-2020: SEBELUM DAN SEMASA PANDEMI COVID-19}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/4486/}, abstract={This research examines the effect of loan deposit ratio, liquidity reserve requirement ratio, and financial leverage on indication of window dressing practices in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand banks. This study uses data from 57 banking companies which listed on three stock exchanges in each country. This study also uses quantitative method in the form of a comparison that aims to compare results between prior period of Covid-19 Pandemic (2016-2019) and present period of Covid-19 Pandemic (2019-2020), as well as to compare the results of each country. The results of this study has given implications for managers, investors, and the regulators that window dressing practices is an issue that needs to be addressed in the preparation of company?s financial statements.} }