@thesis{thesis, author={Ekaputri Gea Febia}, title ={Dampak Merger Dan Akuisisi Terhadap Return Dan Abnormal Return Saham Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Bei Periode 2011-2014}, year={2016}, url={http://repository.ibs.ac.id/453/}, abstract={This research aims to observe the reaction on the capital market reaction of announcement merger and acquisition in 2011-2014 by using indicator return and abnormal return. The objective of this research was to examine differences in return and abnormal return before and after the announcement of merger and acquisition.This study uses event study to test hypotheses one and two. The observation was done in 11 days, consist of 5 days before, 1 day in the moment and 5 days after the merger and acquisition. The sample used was determined by purposive sample method, and there are 20 companies which announce merger and acquisition between 2011-2014. Statistical experiment used is paired sample t test.The result of this study of this study indicate that there is no significant difference between return in period of the moment before and after the announcement of merger and acquisition. In the case of abnormal return, there is also no signification difference in before and after period. Keywords: Capital Market Reaction, Merger and Acquisition, Event Study, Return, Abnormal Return} }