@thesis{thesis, author={ROUF ABDUR}, title ={THE IMPLEMENTATION OF STORY COMPLETION TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING SPEAKING TO THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS OF MA ASSALAM BANGILAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2018/2019.}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.ikippgribojonegoro.ac.id/138/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Rouf, Abdur, 2019. The Implementation of Story Completion in Technique in Teaching Speaking to the Second Grade Students of MA ASSALAM Bangilan in Academic year of 2018/2019. Skripsi, Departmen of English Education, the Faculty of Language and Art, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. Advisor: (I) Dr. M. Ali Ghufron,M.Pd. (II) Yuniarta Ita Purnama,S.Pd., M.Pd.. Keywords:speaking skill, story completion technique There are many kinds of techniques of teaching speaking that can be used. One of them used in teaching speaking is story completion. With this technique, student didnot feel bored and they interested in the classroom and also can build effective in teaching learning. In this technique the students are perform in front of class one by one. Students who get the some topic and picture and they will do the same topic and picture who they get. After that, they have to perform in front of their friends. The formulations of the research problem were : 1) How is the process of teaching Speaking Skill using Story Completion Technique in MA ASSALAM Bangilan?, 2) What are the problem faced by the students in learning speaking using Story Completion Technique?. The objective of this study were to : 1) To describe the process of teaching speaking using Story Completion Technique in MA ASSALAM Bangilan Tuban. 2) To find out the problem faced by the students in learning speaking using Story Completion Technique in MA ASSALAM Bangilan Tuban. In this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative method that produce descriptive data namely writing data or speaking data that can be watched. The object of study is the students of MA ASSALAM Bangilan. The sample is taken one class that taken 34 students. The data was collected from the observation technique, the daily assessment, and the questionnaire The result of the research shows that the combination between a good technique such as story completion and interesting topic can increase the student participation in the classroom activities. It will arouse the students interest and bring them to real situation that make them be highly motivated to speak. Beside, the students also learn how to express uses express useful expression.} }