@thesis{thesis, author={ROMADHONI RIZQI AULIA}, title ={TEACHING VOCABULARY FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS GRADE FOUR USING PICTURE AT SDN 2 GONDEL IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.ikippgribojonegoro.ac.id/2266/}, abstract={Vocabulary is one of the things that must be given to children from an early age so that the child's development is faster. Vocabulary is part of a child's language development. The importance of vocabulary for children is to facilitate communication with adults and to increase children's knowledge. Based on observations, the vocabulary at one elementary level is not yet fully optimal due to the lack of attention from their teachers. The formulation of the problem in this study is how to increase vocabulary using pictures? The purpose of this study is to provide a gradual increase in vocabulary to children. This study used elementary school students as the subject of qualitative research. The data collection tools used by the author are interviews and observations. By using this analysis, the researcher suggests that the optimal result is that elementary school children have an increase in vocabulary. But, there are also some children who have difficulty increasing vocabulary using pictures. Keyword: Picture to improve vocabulary} }