@thesis{thesis, author={ZAHRO’ ATFALIN}, title ={ANALISIS TEKS, KOTEKS, DAN KONTEKS DALAM ARTIKEL BERITA ONLINE KOMPAS.COM BIDANG PENDIDIKAN EDISI JANUARI 2023}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.ikippgribojonegoro.ac.id/2271/}, abstract={Zahro?, Atfalin. 2023 Analysis of Text, Context, and Context in Kompas.com Online News Articles in the Field of Education, January 2023 Edition. Thesis, Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, Advisor (I) Abdul Ghoni Asror, M.Pd., (II) Novi Mayasari, M.Pd. Keywords: Online news, Discourse analysis, Text, Context, and Context. Online news can provide information quickly to its readers, but as news readers we need to analyze the news we read, this is so that we can understand the news and no longer misunderstand the core of the news. This study aims to describe and explain the form and purpose of the text, context, and context in the January 2023 edition of the online news article Kompas.com in the field of education. This study uses a qualitative research method content analysis. This study uses observation and documentation techniques in collecting data. The data validity technique used is the Triangulation data validity checking technique. The data analysis technique used by the researcher is a non-interactive analysis technique, namely by reading scanning, and selecting. The results of this study are in the form of the text "Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) continues to encourage accelerated promotion of academic rank of lecturers at State Islamic Religious Higher Education Institutions (PTKIN) to professors" seen from the completeness of the elements of phrases and clauses, the context form "Requirements to become a professor 1 . Proposal mechanism. 2. Rights and obligations as well as problems faced, both related to special conditions. 3. Fulfillment of credit scores up to special requirements" seen from the interrelationships between sentences, and the form of the context "IAIN Walisongo Alumni emphasizes that taking care of the academic rank of Head Lecturer and Professor is not solely in the interests of the lecturer, but also the campus" seen from factors outside the text. The purpose of the text elements is indicated by the completeness of grammatical units, the context is shown by the continuity between sentences and paragraphs, and the context is shown by the elements outside the language and the text.} }