@thesis{thesis, author={ and Angga Saeful Rahmat }, title ={Hubungan Kebiasaan Merokok Orang Tua Dengan Kejadian Merokok Pada Remaja Usia 15-18 Tahun di RW 005 Desa Wanajaya Kecamatan Cibitung}, year={2023}, url={}, abstract={Adolescence is a transitional period where teenagers begin to look for their identity through various new things, one of which is smoking. The prevalence of teenage smokers is 78.2% of teenagers aged 15-19 years. That can be interpreted as teenagers smoking, namely the family environment with the behavior of parents who smoke. Objective: This research is the relationship between parental smoking habits and the incidence of smoking among teenagers in Rw.05 Wanajaya Village, Cibitung District. Method: This research uses a descriptive correlation method with a cross sectional approach. The number of samples in this research was taken using purposive sampling as many as 55 respondents. The instrument used was a questionnaire and data analysis used the Chi Square Test. Chi Square analysis shows that the p value = 0.005 so it is greater than the p value <0.05 Results: There is a significant relationship between parental smoking habits and the incidence of smoking among teenagers in Rw.05 Wanajaya Village, Cibitung District. Suggestion: Based on the results of research that has been carried out, it is hoped that teenagers who smoke can reduce their smoking habits, and be more careful in their relationships and not easily influenced in smoking environments. For teenagers who do not smoke, they should stay away from cigarettes and invite people around them. to stay away from cigarettes.} }