@thesis{thesis, author={Hizam Fadli}, title ={APLIKASI ELEKTRODA KERJA BORON DOPED DIAMOND (BDD) UNTUK DETEKSI KADAR AMODIAQUINE DALAM LARUTAN ACETATE BUFFER SOLUTION (ABS) 0.1 M}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.itk.ac.id/20824/}, abstract={ABSTRAK Amodiakuin juga telah dilaporkan sangat efektif melawan stadium eritrositik plasmodium pada empat spesies (falciparum, vivax, ovale, dan malaria). Salah satu material yang banyak digunakan adalah Boron Doped Diamond (BDD). BDD merupakan elektroda kerja yang sering digunakan dalam sensor elektrokimia. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan elektroda kerja BDD untuk mendeteksi kadar obat amodiaquine (AQ). Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan analisa perilaku redoks AQ dalam larutan 0.1 M menggunakan metode Different Pulse Voltammetry (DPV), dimana diperoleh arus puncak oksidasi pada potensial +0.5 V (vs Ag/AgCl). Selain itu, telah dilakukan investigasi mekanisme reaksi redoks melalui variasi kecepatan pindai yaitu 20 mV s -1 ? 100 mV s-1 pada rentang potensial -1 V hingga +1 V (vs Ag/AgCl). Berdasarkan hasil investigasi mekanisme reaksi dapat diketahui adanya 2 elektron yang ditransfer dan bersifat irreversible serta terjadi reaksi oksidasi.Untuk menentukan performa deteksi elektroda kerja dalam mendeteksi AQ maka akan dilakukan kalkulasi batasan deteksi sensor/limit of detection (LOD) dengan variasi konsentrasi analat terhadap arus puncak dengan rentang 0.0645 µM hingga 0.3 µM diperoleh nilai batas deteksi (LOD) 1.5×10-2µM yang menunjukkan bahwa elektroda BDD dapat diaplikasikan sebagai biosensor AQ. Kata Kunci : Amodiaquine, Biosensor, Boron Doped Diamond, Batas Deteksi ABSTRACT Amodiaquine has also been reported to be highly effective against the erythrocytic stage of plasmodium in four species(falciparum, vivax, ovale, and malaria). One material that is widely used is Boron Doped Diamond (BDD). BDD is a working electrode that is often used in electrochemical sensors. In this study, the BDD working electrode was used to detect levels of the drug amodiaquine (AQ). This research was carried out using analysis of the redox behavior of AQ in a 0.1 M solution using the Different Pulse Voltammetry (DPV) method, where the oxidation peak current was obtained at a potential of +0.5 V (vs. Ag/AgCl). In addition, an investigation into the redox reaction mechanism has been carried out by varying the scan speed, namely 20 mV s-1 ? 100 mV s-1 in the potential range -1 V to +1 V (vs Ag/AgCl). Based on the results of the investigation of the reaction mechanism, it can be seen that 2 electrons are transferred and are irreversible and an oxidation reaction occurs.To determine the detection performance of the working electrode in detecting AQ, a sensor detection limit (LOD) calculation will be carried out with variations in the concentration of the analyte against the peak current. with a range of 0.0645 µM to 0.3 µM, a limit of detection (LOD) value of 1.5×10-2µM was obtained, indicating that the BDD electrode can be applied as an AQ biosensor. Keywords : Amodiaquine, Biosensors, Boron Doped Diamond, Electrochemistry} }