@thesis{thesis, author={Sutioso Mauritz William}, title ={Sistem Monitoring dan Kontrol Proses Fermentasi Tape Ketan menggunakan Metode Logika Fuzzy, Sensor Gas dan Internet of Things}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.its.ac.id/100537/}, abstract={Tape merupakan jenis makanan yang sering dijumpai di Indonesia. Proses pembuatannya dilakukan dengan proses fermentasi yang melibatkan bakteri dalam keadaan tertutup atau anaerobik. Proses tersebut menghasilkan gas alkohol sehingga menambah rasa manis pada tape. Kadar alkohol pada proses pembuatan tape ketan secara tradisional tidak terkontrol secara akurat sehingga memiliki rasa yang bervariasi. Agar rasa tape ketan menjadi lebih seragam, dibutuhkan sebuah sistem monitoring dan kontrol terhadap kadar alkohol pada tape ketan. Pada tugas akhir ini telah dilakukan implementasi sistem fermentasi tape ketan yang dikontrol dan dimonitoring menggunakan metode logika fuzzy, sensor gas dan internet of things. Logika fuzzy menentukan pergerakan servo guna membuka wadah proses fermentasi untuk mengatur kadar alkohol pada tape. Sensor gas digunakan untuk memantau kadar alkohol tape ketan dan menjadi sinyal balikan untuk sistem kontrol. Internet of Things digunakan untuk memantau kadar alkohol dari jarak jauh. Hasil percobaan menunjukan bahwa proses fermentasi tape ketan berhasil dikendalikan, sehingga kadar alkohol sesuai dengan setpoint yaitu 4% dengan waktu proses selama 2 hari. ================================================================================================================================== Tape is a type of food that is often found in Indonesia. The manufacturing process is carried out by a fermentation process involving bacteria in a closed or anaerobic state. This process produces alcohol gas that adds a sweet taste to the tape. The alcohol content in the traditional tape-making process is not accurately controlled so that it has a varied taste. In order for the taste of sticky tape to be more uniform, a monitoring and control system is needed for the alcohol content in sticky tape. This final project has implemented a controlled and monitored sticky tape fermentation system using fuzzy logic methods, gas sensors and the internet of things. Fuzzy logic determines the servo movement to open the fermentation process container to adjust the alcohol content in the tape. The gas sensor is used to monitor the alcohol content of the sticky tape and is used as a return signal for the control system. The Internet of Things is used to remotely monitor alcohol levels. The experimental results showed that the fermented tape was successfully controlled, so that the alcohol content was in accordance with the set point, namely 4% with a processing time of 2 days.} }