@thesis{thesis, author={Andanu Farah Firdausy}, title ={Redesain Interior Medical Rehabilitation Center pada Rumah Sakit PHC Surabaya untuk Mengoptimalkan Penyembuhan Pasien dengan Pendekatan Salutogenesis}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.its.ac.id/100736/}, abstract={Medical Rehabilitation Center merupakan salah satu pusat unggulan di Rumah Sakit PHC Surabaya, disini para dokter spesialis kedokteran fisik dan tim rehabilitasi berfokus pada pemulihan fungsi tubuh pasien seperti sedia kala melalui berbagai macam proses terapi. Proses rehabilitasi medis dilakukan guna mengembalikan fungsi tubuh yang mengalami masalah, misalnya saraf terjepit, cedera, patah tulang, dan kelumpuhan akibat stroke. Rehabilitasi medik dilakukan setelah pasien menjalani operasi tertentu supaya terus dapat menjaga kualitas hidup untuk menjalani aktivitas sehari-hari. Sesuai dengan visinya yaitu "To become a Prominent National Company in Healthcare Industry", Medical Rehabilitation Center RS PHC Surabaya terus berusaha memberikan pelayanan terbaik setiap harinya. Proses pemulihan pasien menjadi fokus utama rumah sakit dengan memperhatikan aspek pendukung di dalamnya, seperti fasilitas alat medis yang canggih dan lengkap, kecakapan para tenaga medis, serta kondisi ruang yang nyaman dan telah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pasien. Kenyamanan spasial yang dirancang dengan baik tentu menjadi hal esensial pendukung proses pemulihan pasien. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka pendekatan konsep desain yang cocok diterapkan pada interior Medical Rehabilitation Center adalah pendekatan desain Salutogenesis. Pendekatan salutogenik merupakan sebuah teori yang mengaitkan kesehatan dengan desain. Salutogenesis berasal dari kata salut (kesehatan) dan genesis (asal usul) yang artinya ?origin of health? atau asal mula kesehatan, merupakan sebuah pendekatan yang berfokus pada faktor-faktor pendukung kesehatan dan kesejahteraan seseorang melalui psychosocially supportive design? atau desain yang mendukung secara psikososial melalui elemen-elemen pada interior. ================================================================================================================================= The Medical Rehabilitation Center is one of the centers of excellence at PHC Surabaya Hospital, where physical medicine specialists and the rehabilitation team focus on restoring the patient's bodily functions to normal through various therapeutic processes. The medical rehabilitation process is carried out to restore the functions of the body that are experiencing problems, such as pinched nerves, injuries, broken bones, and paralysis due to strokes. Medical rehabilitation is carried out after the patient has undergone certain operations so that he can continue to maintain the quality of life to carry out daily activities. In accordance with its vision, namely "To become a Prominent National Company in Healthcare Industry", the Medical Rehabilitation Center of PHC Surabaya Hospital continues to strive to provide the best service every day. The patient recovery process is the main focus of the hospital by paying attention to the supporting aspects, such as sophisticated and complete medical equipment facilities, the skills of medical personnel, and comfortable room conditions and adapted to patient needs. Well-designed spatial comfort is certainly an essential thing to support the patient's recovery process. Based on these problems, the design concept approach that is suitable to be applied to the interior of the Medical Rehabilitation Center is the Salutogenesis design approach. The salutogenic approach is a theory that links health with design. Salutogenesis comes from the words salute (health) and genesis (origin) which means 'origin of health' or the origin of health, is an approach that focuses on factors supporting one's health and well-being through a psychosocially supportive design' or a design that supports one's health psychosocial through the elements in the interior.} }