@thesis{thesis, author={Kusumawardhani Rania Salsabilah}, title ={Perancangan Jalan Akses Pabrik Ketiga PT Greenfields Indonesia di Desa Tlogo Gentong, Doko, Blitar, Jawa Timur}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.its.ac.id/100771/}, abstract={Rencana pembukaan pabrik pengolahan susu ketiga milik PT Greenfields Indonesia di Kabupaten Blitar, Jawa Timur bertujuan untuk menyumbang kontribusi pertumbuhan pelaku industry pengolahan susu di Indonesia. Lokasi yang dijadikan sebagai tempat mendirikan pabrik ini memiliki kondisi jalan yang belum memadai. Sehingga, diharapkan perancangan sebuah jalan yang diharapkan nantinya akan menjadi fasilitas sistem transportasi aktifitas lalu lintas harian pabrik secara keseluruhan. Metodologi perancangan Tugas Akhir ini dimulai dari identifikasi masalah, studi literatur, pengumpulan data sekunder, penentuan trase dengan menggunakan Multi Criteria Analysis dalam menentukan trase alternatif, dilanjutkan dengan melakukan perancangan geometrik jalan memperhatikan peta topografi untuk mendukung dasar pemilihan alinyemen horizontal dan vertical berpedoman pada Pedoman Desain Geometrik Jalan Direktoral Jenderal Bina Marga 2020, selanjutnya dilakukan perancangan tebal perkerasan kaku yang didasarkan beban lalu lintas dan berpedoman pada Manual Desain Perkerasan Jalan 2020, kemudian dilakukan juga perancangan tebal perkerasan lentur dengan berpedoman pada SNI Pd T-14-2003 tentang Perencanaan Perkerasan Jalan Beton Semen, perancangan dimensi saluran drainase Pd T-02-2006-B Tentang Perencanaan Sistem Drainase Jalan, serta perhitungan rancangan anggaran biaya konstruksi yang dilakukan dengan memperhatikan Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Kabupaten Blitar. Hasil perancangan Jalan Akses Pabrik Ketiga PT Greenfields Indonesia di Desa Tlogo Gentong, Doko, Blitar, Jawa Timur memiliki trase sepanjang 5,33 km dengan 4 Point of Intersections tikungan tipe Spiral-Circle-Spiral dan 28 Point of Intersections tikungan tipe Full-Circle serta 22 Point of Vertical Intersections. Komponen perkerasan kaku yang diperlukan untuk membangun jalan ini adalah lapis beton struktural setebal 240 mm, lapis Lean Mix Concrete setebal 100 mm, lapis drainase setebal 150 mm, sambungan tie bars dengan diameter 16 mm dan panjang 800 mm serta sambungan dowel dengan diameter 36 mm dengan panjang 450 mm yang membutuhkan anggaran biaya sebesar Rp. 31.300.073.000,-. Sedangkan komponen perkerasan lentur yang diperlukan adalah lapis AC ? WC setebal 40 mm, lapis AC ? BC setebal 60 mm, lapis AC ? Base setebal 235 mm dan lapis fondasi agregat kelas A setebal 300 mm yang membutuhkan anggaran biaya sebesar Rp. 25.053.547.000,-. Dalam perancangan ini juga diperlukan tiga tipe saluran drainase sebagai komponen pelengkap jalan. ================================================================================================================================== The opening plan for the third milk processing plant owned by PT Greenfields Indonesia in Blitar Regency, East Java, aims to contribute to the growth of the milk processing industry in Indonesia. The chosen location for the establishment of this plant has inadequate road conditions. Therefore, the design of a road is expected, which will serve as an active transportation facility for the daily traffic activities of the entire plant. The methodology for this Final Project design starts with problem identification, literature review, collection of secondary data, determination of routes using Multi-Criteria Analysis to determine alternative routes. This is followed by the design of the road geometry, taking into account topographic maps to support the basis for the selection of horizontal and vertical alignments, based on the Guidelines for Geometric Road Design by the Directorate General of Highways 2020. Furthermore, the design includes the thickness of rigid pavement based on traffic load and guided by the Manual for Road Pavement Design 2020. Additionally, the design includes the thickness of flexible pavement, based on SNI Pd T-14-2003 on the Design of Cement Concrete Road Pavement, the design of drainage channel dimensions based on Pd T-02-2006-B on the Planning of Road Drainage Systems, as well as the calculation of construction budget estimates, considering the Unit Prices of Activities for Blitar Regency. The design result of the Access Road for the Third Plant of PT Greenfields Indonesia in Tlogo Gentong Village, Doko, Blitar, East Java, has a route length of 5.33 km, with 4 Point of Intersections of Spiral-Circle-Spiral type curves and 28 Point of Intersections of Full-Circle type curves, as well as 22 Point of Vertical Intersections. The rigid pavement components required to build this road include a 240 mm thick structural concrete layer, a 100 mm thick Lean Mix Concrete layer, a 150 mm thick drainage layer, tie bars with a diameter of 16 mm and a length of 800 mm, as well as dowel joints with a diameter of 36 mm and a length of 450 mm, which require a budget of Rp. 31.300.073.000,-. On the other hand, the flexible pavement components required include a 40 mm thick AC-WC layer, a 60 mm thick AC-BC layer, a 235 mm thick AC-Base layer, and a 300 mm thick Class A aggregate foundation layer, which require a budget of} }